Posted on: 07/07/2022
SAN NARCISO, ZAMBALES – On 07 July 2022, ALLOMA officers headed by its Deputy General Manager, Ms. Ria M. Saren, attended the 199th Commencement Exercise of the Philippine Merchant Marine Academy in San Narciso, Zambales. The Associated Maritime Co. HKG Ltd. (AMCL), one of ALLOMA’s principals has been consistently selecting and employing cadets and graduates from PMMA since early 2000. This year, one of its sponsored cadets, M/CDR Rigbertson V. Patino, ranked 10th in his class. Patino served as Deck Cadet onboard M/T New Dream during his second class year.
In recognition of Patino’s academic excellence, ALLOMA and AMCL awarded a Certificate of Academic Recognition and a cash gift. Patino belongs to the PMMA Masid-Layag Class of 2022, along with other four (4) AMCL cadets - Brylle Briones, Tristan Dumalan, Jon Martin Torres and Justine Laman.